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To add Apple as a social sign-in provider, you need an Apple Developer account. Go to Enrolling and Verifying Your Identity with the Apple Developer App to create one.

Follow these steps to add Apple as a social sign-in provider to your project using the Ory Console:

  1. Sign in to Ory Console and select Social Sign-in.

  2. Click the switch next to the Apple logo to start the configuration.

  3. Copy the Redirect URI and save it for later use.

  4. Using an Apple Developer Account, create an app, a service, and a private key:

    1. To set up an application, navigate to the Apple Developer Dashboard and go to Certs, Identifiers, and Profiles then Identifiers.
    2. Create a new App IDs identifier. When prompted for a type select App.
    3. Enter a description and bundle ID of your liking.
    4. Scroll down and select Sign in with Apple.
    5. Click Continue, then Register.
    6. Go back to the Identifiers overview.
    7. Next to the search icon open the dropdown and select "Services IDs".
    8. Create a new Services ID.
    9. Choose a description of your liking. The identifier must match the App ID value.
    10. Click Continue, then Register.
    11. Click on the newly created service identifier and click the "Sign in with Apple" checkbox.
    12. Click the Configure button and set the domains and subdomain to match your Ory Network domain (or custom hostname).
    13. Add the Redirect URI you received earlier and set it here as the return URL and click Next.
    14. Click Continue, then Save.
    15. Next, go to Keys and register a new key.
    16. Set a key name and enable Sign in with Apple. Next to Sign in with Apple, click Configure.
    17. Use the App ID you created earlier as the primary AppID.
    18. Click Continue, then Register.
    19. Download the key and click Done.
  5. Copy the correct identifiers to the Ory Console Apple configuration:

    • Client ID: Add the identifier of the Services ID (not the Bundle ID) you created in Apple. Not the ID of the App ID. Not the Team ID.
    • Client Secret Signing Key: Paste the contents of your key file downloaded from Apple. Paste the entire key, including the BEGIN/END PRIVATE KEY lines.
    • Apple Team ID: Add your Apple Team ID. In the Apple Developer Console top right menu, navigate to View Membership > Membership > Team ID.
    • Key ID: Paste the key ID of your Apple key. To find this, navigate to your Apple Keys in the Apple Developer Console and open your key. Copy the Key ID.
    • Private Key: Paste the contents of the downloaded files into the field in the Ory Console.
  6. In the Scopes field of the form in the Ory Console, add the following scope:

    • email
  7. Copy the following details from your registered application in Apple to the corresponding fields in the Ory Console form:

    • Apple Team Id
    • Apple Private Key Id
    • Apple Private Key
  8. In the Data Mapping field of the form in the Ory Console, add the following Jsonnet code snippet, which maps the desired claims to the Ory Identity schema:

    local claims = {
    email_verified: false,
    } + std.extVar('claims');

    identity: {
    traits: {
    // Allowing unverified email addresses enables account
    // enumeration attacks, if the value is used for
    // verification or as a password login identifier.
    // Therefore we only return the email if it (a) exists and (b) is marked verified
    // by Apple.
    [if 'email' in claims && claims.email_verified then 'email' else null]:,

    Don't save secrets such as API keys, credentials, or personal data directly in Jsonnet code snippets. Jsonnet code snippets used for data mapping aren't stored in an encrypted format in Ory Network.

  9. Click Save Configuration.


When you add a social sign-in provider, you can encounter common problems such as:

  • Redirect URI mismatch
  • Redirect loops during registration
  • Domain verification issues

To troubleshoot those issues, read Social sign-in troubleshooting.