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Mail API courier in self-hosted Ory Kratos

For sending Email by using an external mail provider instead of a local SMTP server, Ory Kratos can use a HTTP API (such as Mailchimp, your local mail sender, or your own microservice). Request method, headers, body, and content-type are fully configurable using options below.


Default configuration doesn't use API calls to send mail. To enable it you need to set the "delivery_strategy" flag to "http", sender URL, authorization (if needed) and request body format. (if needed) and request body format.

Request configuration

delivery_strategy: http
method: POST
body: file://.mail.api.request.jsonnet
"Content-Type": "application/json"
type: basic_auth
user: YourUsername
password: YourPass

The configuration consists of:

  • url - the URL, which should be called (mandatory). It needs to be absolute, start with http:// or https:// scheme, and include path part - for example "".
  • method - the HTTP method (GET, POST, ...) (mandatory)
  • body - URI of a JsonNet template, used to render the payload to send (optional). Use a file://path/to/body.jsonnet URL for referring to local files. This property is ignored for HTTP methods, which don't support sending of HTTP body payloads (TRACE).
  • auth - configuration of authentication and authorization mechanisms to be used by request

Courier binds the Recipient, TemplateType, and TemplateData variables into the JsonNet template. These variables are available through a ctx object. Recipient will always be the email address of the user. TemplateType and the fields in TemplateData are linked in the following way with each template type containing the fields listed below:

  • recovery_invalid
    • To
  • recovery_valid
    • To
    • RecoveryURL
    • Identity
  • recovery_code_invalid
    • To
  • recovery_code_valid
    • To
    • RecoveryCode
    • Identity
  • verification_invalid
    • To
  • verification_valid
    • To
    • VerificationURL
    • Identity
  • verification_code_invalid
    • To
  • verification_code_valid
    • To
    • VerificationCode
    • Identity

A universal jsonnet template to be sent to the mail provider endpoint would look like this:

function(ctx) {
recipient: ctx.Recipient,
template_type: ctx.TemplateType,
name: if "TemplateData" in ctx && "Identity" in ctx.TemplateData && "Name" in ctx.TemplateData.Identity then ctx.TemplateData.Identity.Name else null,
to: if "TemplateData" in ctx && "To" in ctx.TemplateData then ctx.TemplateData.To else null,
recovery_code: if "TemplateData" in ctx && "RecoveryCode" in ctx.TemplateData then ctx.TemplateData.RecoveryCode else null,
recovery_url: if "TemplateData" in ctx && "RecoveryURL" in ctx.TemplateData then ctx.TemplateData.RecoveryURL else null,
verification_url: if "TemplateData" in ctx && "VerificationURL" in ctx.TemplateData then ctx.TemplateData.VerificationURL else null,
verification_code: if "TemplateData" in ctx && "VerificationCode" in ctx.TemplateData then ctx.TemplateData.VerificationCode else null,

Authentication and authorization

For auth following mechanisms are supported:

  • Authentication via an Api Key. Type must be set to api_key.
  • Authentication via Basic Authentication. Type must be set to basic_auth.

For api_key the config looks as follows:

name: Some-Name
value: The-Value-of-My-Key
in: header # alternatively cookie

All properties are mandatory.

For basic_auth the config looks as follows:

user: My-User
password: My-Pass-Value

All properties are mandatory.